
Chiaki Teranishi  (c-mu):
Tokyo-based artist, composer, arranger, piano keyboard player.
All works distribute under  Creative Commons License.
See also.>> Filament Recordings (Internet Archive)
>> Contact


Every Moment II, III  (whole, 2005)

Every Moment II
  1. track01.mp3  (4:27)  6.1MB
  2. track02.mp3  (3:58)  5.4MB
  3. track03.mp3  (1:07)  1.5MB
  4. track04.mp3  (3:05)  4.2MB
  5. track05.mp3  (1:10)  1.6MB
  6. track06.mp3  (3:35)  4.9MB
  7. track07.mp3  (2:19)  3.1MB
  8. track08.mp3  (7:37)  10.4MB
  9. track09.mp3  (5:58)  8.2MB
  10. track10.mp3  (2:38)  3.6MB
  11. track11.mp3  (5:25)  7.4MB
  12. track12.mp3  (3:21)  4.6MB
  13. track13.mp3  (9:23)  12.8MB
  14. track14.mp3  (2:58)  4MB
  15. track15.mp3  (1:31)  2MB
  16. track16.mp3  (1:36)  2.2MB

Every Moment III
  1. track01.mp3  (10:24)  14.2MB
  2. track02.mp3  (7:30)  10.3MB
  3. track03.mp3  (2:08)  2.9MB
  4. track04.mp3  (4:22)  6MB
  5. track05.mp3  (15:54)  21.8MB
  6. track06.mp3  (7:14)  9.9MB
  7. track07.mp3  (2:11)  3MB
  8. track08.mp3  (5:41)  7.8MB
  9. track09.mp3  (4:57)  6.8MB
Every Moments
Oct. 2010

Garden  (Garden, Strolls, Etudes)

for the tones of percussions, plucked strings, and noise.
for the tones of percussions, plucked strings, noise and piano.
for the tone of piano.

Garden.mp3  (10:34)  14.9MB
Stroll1.mp3  (7:57)  11.2MB
Stroll2.mp3  (8:16)  11.6MB
Stroll3.mp3  (8:22)  11.8MB
Stroll4.mp3  (8:40)  12.2MB
Etude01.mp3  (2:43)  3.8MB
Etude02.mp3  (2:31)  3.5MB
Etude03.mp3  (1:44)  2.5MB
Etude04.mp3  (1:56)  2.7MB
Etude05.mp3  (1:41)  2.4MB
Etude06.mp3  (2:07)  3MB
Etude07.mp3  (2:07)  3MB
Etude08.mp3  (2:16)  3.2MB
Etude09.mp3  (3:03)  4.3MB
Etude10.mp3  (2:42)  3.8MB
Garden Strolls Etudes
May 2009


LUBM is based on impression of poem "Umashimen ka na" written by Sadako Kurihara(1913-2005), translated by Richard H. Minear as "LET US BE MIDWIVES!". The poem is about a story of the atomic bombing in Hiroshima.

lubm1.mp3  (6:36)  9.3MB
lubm2.mp3  (8:16)  11.6MB
lubm3.mp3  (4:53)  6.9MB
lubm4.mp3  (9:45)  13.7MB
lubm5.mp3  (3:01)  4.3MB
lubm6.mp3  (5:05)  7.2MB
lubm7.mp3  (10:32)  14.8MB
lubm8.mp3  (4:19)  6MB
Jan. 2008

A hidden prayer

I quoted each title of tracks from book "100 episodes of chinese character" written by Shizuka Shirakawa (1910-2006).
  1. Hieratic
  2. Hitting
  3. Eternal world
  4. Morpheme
  5. Green card
  6. Sound symbolism
  7. Verse and notation
  8. A hidden prayer
  9. Sacred sign
  10. Life of eternity

Hieratic.mp3  (4:10)  5.9MB
Hitting.mp3  (8:36)  12.1MB
Eternal world.mp3  (3:54)  5.5MB
Morpheme.mp3  (5:07)  7.2MB
Green card.mp3  (2:55)  4.1MB
Sound symbolism.mp3  (6:54)  9.7MB
Verse and notation.mp3  (9:43)  13.7MB
A hidden prayer.mp3  (3:13)  4.5MB
Sacred sign.mp3  (1:47)  2.5MB
Life of eternity.mp3  (9:34)  13.5MB
Nov. 2006

Three compositons of ten minutes

  1. elements
  2. attempt2
  3. mixture

elements.mp3  (10:28)  9.8MB
attempt2.mp3  (10:20)  9.7MB
mixture.mp3  (10:43)  10MB
Three composition of ten minutes
Dec. 2005

A scenery of summer with a translucent sculpture I, II, III


sos1.mp3  (17:25)  8.1MB
sos2.mp3  (9:39)  4.5MB
sos3.mp3  (17:37)  8.2MB
A senery of summer with a translucent sculpture
Jul. 2004

Attempt I, Instead of the lost diction

Attempt I
Instead of the lost diction

attempt1.mp3  (22:27)  10.4MB
iotld.mp3  (12:20)  5.7MB
Attempt I,Instead of the lost diction
Jan. 2004

VP-R (Vlado Perlemuter --- Ravel)

Pianist, Vlado Perlemuter (1904- 2002).
1. Juex
2. Fugue
3. Valse

vpr01.mp3  (4:41)  2.2MB
vpr02.mp3  (3:24)  1.6MB
vpr03.mp3  (5:51)  2.8MB

homf (Homage of Morton Feldman)

c001-1.mp3  (1:42)  0.8MB
homf02.mp3  (11:44)  5.6MB
c001-2.mp3  (1:18)  0.6MB
homf03.mp3  (11:57)  5.7MB
c001-3.mp3  (1:32)  0.7MB
homf04.mp3  (13:23)  6.4MB
c001-4.mp3  (2:14)  1MB
homf05.mp3  (11:04)  5.3MB
c001-5.mp3  (0:57)  0.4MB


uta1, uta2, uta3, uta4, uta5, uta6 (filtered "uta 5")
I used vowels included to the text below at uta2 and uta4.
Man-yo-syu vol.7 No.1129
trans. by Shinobu Orikuchi

u01.mp3  (3:06)  1.4MB
u02.mp3  (2:40)  1.2MB  convolved
u03.mp3  (3:13)  1.5MB
u04.mp3  (1:56)  0.9MB  convolved
u05.mp3  (3:14)  1.5MB
-- appendix --
u06.mp3  (3:14)  1.5MB  filtered u05

Every Moments I - III (fragments)

A each Every Moments I-III has about 60 minutes of duration. I put fragments of them here.
em1_1.mp3  (3:19)  1.5MB
em1_2.mp3  (2:43)  1.3MB
em2_1.mp3  (3:06)  1.4MB
em2_2.mp3  (2:58)  1.4MB
em3_1.mp3  (1:58)  0.9MB
em3_2.mp3  (2:55)  1.3MB
Every Moments

Letters / a dreaming room (granular, flagments)

ow1.mp3  (3:25)  1.6MB
ow2.mp3  (2:52)  1.3MB

a dreaming room (1994, revision)

Sampler works.

dr01.mp3  (4:51)  4.6MB
dr02.mp3  (6:11)  5.9MB
dr03.mp3  (8:08)  7.8MB

Letters (1994, revision)

Sampler works.

lt01.mp3  (3:34)  3.4MB
lt02.mp3  (8:44)  8.4MB
lt03.mp3  (10:24)  10MB
lt04.mp3  (8:33)  8.2MB

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